Strategic Plan

Reaching our Peak Potential

As we stand on the cusp of a century of dedicated service to our region, Pikes Peak Community Foundation proudly unveils a strategic plan as visionary as our founding in 1928. 

This five-tier roadmap represents our pledge to the people of the Pikes Peak Region that we will continue to build our legacy of generosity, responsible stewardship, and an unwavering commitment to the betterment of our community.

Check back often for updates on our progress. Contact us if you have any questions or would like more information about the work we are doing. 

Our Bold Plan for the Future

Strategic Plan 2024-2028

Strategic Visioning

We’re launching an ambitious community improvement initiative in El Paso and Teller Counties. The primary focus is to identify community priorities and understand why they matter to residents. This valuable information will then inform and enhance a shared vision for the region, and serve as a vital tool to organizations wishing to affect change through philanthropy, business activity, or government action. Subsequent phases will catalog existing organizations and resources, identifying gaps. Additionally, we’ll develop a measurement tool to track progress over time. Most importantly, this resource will be regularly updated in perpetuity, ensuring that the priorities identified by the residents of this region will always be front and center.

This initiative is still in its earliest phases and we can't wait to share updates as it moves forward.