About PPCF
Why a community foundation?
Community foundations are tax-exempt public charities that help guide people’s philanthropy and are dedicated to improving the quality of life in the areas they serve. Individuals, families, businesses and organizations work with community foundations to create charitable funds that help meet the challenges of changing times. The foundation invests and administers these funds.
For donors, community foundations offer a range of charitable giving options that provide tax benefits and strategic advice about philanthropy. For the geographic region they serve, community foundations provide leadership, expertise and capital to address social issues and serve as a resource for nonprofit, civic, government and philanthropic organizations.
What we do
Investing for good, now and forever.
We build
We create and build permanent endowment and charitable funds for individuals, families and businesses that can benefit our community now and in the future.
We connect
We make charitable giving more meaningful and efficient by connecting donors to causes that matter to them. We possess unique expertise on nonprofits and their effectiveness.
We simplify
We provide a simple, flexible and inexpensive alternative to setting up a private foundation.
We save
We provide maximum tax advantages for charitable giving. In addition, we can accept a wide range of assets.
We preserve
We honor the intention and legacy of donors who create funds within the Community Foundation.
We protect
We steward gifts through prudent investment practices with oversight from our Board of Trustees.
A thriving, resilient, sustainable Pikes Peak Region with a vibrant quality of life for all.
The future of our community
We believe that our community will thrive if we consistently understand its greatest needs and address them with meaningful grants funded by well-managed charitable funds. Our vision is focused on inspired philanthropy that will create transformative results.
Together, we make our community a better place.
And you play an important role
We can all help to build a better community. To achieve that, we have to continue to give back in a way that makes a difference for others. We’re not talking about putting away some funds just in case we encounter tough times down the road. And we’re not talking about a “money–in, money–out” approach to covering our day-to-day operating expenses. We’re talking about securing our community’s future and reaching out to greater numbers of people to help in more effective and exciting ways. Together, we can accomplish more.

Our commitment to national standards.
The National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations Accreditation Program certifies U.S. community foundations that meet and exceed federal and state law requirements in practice and policy.
The accreditation process is not mandatory. It is a rigorous undertaking and it demonstrates our commitment to accountability and excellence to our donors, our community, policymakers and the public.
PPCF was awarded this designation in 2019 and 2023.